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  • Digital Main Street-Grants 

  • Digital Main Street currently has two grant programs for businesses who meet eligibility requirements.

    The Digital Transformation Grant has been developed to enhance a business's online presence with a $2,500 grant to reach their digital goals. This grant is available until October 31st, 2022 or until grant funding is exhausted. Grant information and application can be found here- https://digitalmainstreet.ca/digital-transformation-grant-4-0/ 

    The Canadian Digital Adoption Program is also available for the region. The Canadian Digital Adoption Program is a $2,400 grant to help improve business's online presence. Grant information and application can be found here- https://digitalmainstreet.ca/cdap-signup/ 

    Businesses who meet eligibility requirements can receive $4,900 in grant funding from both grants to use toward your online presence and digital goals!

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