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  • Bruce Power



    About Us

    Bruce Power is a Canadian-owned partnership of TC Energy, Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement Systems (OMERS), the Power Workers’ Union and The Society of United Professionals. A majority of our employees are also owners of the business.

    Established in 2001, Bruce Power is Canada’s only private sector nuclear generator, annually producing 30 per cent of Ontario’s power.

    Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan is counting on Bruce Power to provide a reliable and carbon-free source of affordable energy through 2064. To do so, Bruce Power has signed a long-term agreement with the province to refurbish six of its eight units, investing $13 billion private dollars into these publicly owned assets. Bruce Power’s Life-Extension Program will create and sustain 22,000 jobs annually while injecting $4 billion into Ontario’s economy each year.

    Bruce Power employs more than 4,000 people and, since its inception in 2001, has been one of the largest investors in Ontario’s electricity infrastructure, providing billions in private dollars to the Bruce Power site — which continues to be owned by the province. The site is leased under a long term arrangement where all of the assets remain publicly owned while Bruce Power funds all infrastructure upgrades, makes annual rent payments, and pays for the cost of waste management and the eventual decommissioning of the facilities.


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