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  • Buerger Financial Services-Life Insurance and Investments


    Investment ServicesRecreation & Lifestyle Services

    About Us

    I am a certified Professional Financial Advisor PFA™ and I have been helping clients with investments and insurance for just over 8 years! I live in Saugeen Shores on the shores of Lake Huron and I serve clients in all of Ontario. I work with people of all ages starting with clients with young families to those clients enjoying retirement (or soon to be). Reaching out and helping people protect their families from financial hardship with life insurance is so important to me. It changes lives. So many people don’t know what life insurance products are out there and how affordable they are. I find so many people get overwhelmed with the thought of life insurance and the complexities of investments. I work with clients to find out what is best for them. My goal as a Professional Financial Advisor PFA™ is to help you navigate the world of investments and insurance and help you develop a plan to reach your financial goals.

    Connect with me below to get started on your lifelong journey with Buerger Financial Services or to get a simple quote for what you need.



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