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  • Dasa Properties



    About Us

    Our goal is to provide high quality rental properties for our community & places our tenants are proud to call home...

    Dasa Porperites was founded by husband and wife team, Dane and Samantha Buttenaar. Our journey into real estate investing began in 2017 with the purchase of our first rental home. Renovating the property into a beautiful tri-plex rental and welcoming 3 new tenants into their new home, instantly had us hooked. Renovating and developing properties into a home tenants are ecstatic to live in, is a highly rewarding experience.

    As our community began to rapidly expand and the need for rental properties continued to rise, we wanted to fill that need in our community. We are proud to offer high-end, quality homes, whether temporary or long-term, to our community. Rental units are often seen as a ''this will do'' type of accommodation - but at Dasa Properties we strive to provide homes people want to live in and are excited to call their new home!

    ?Our investment in, and commitment to, our community and our tenants, creates a beautiful relationship in the town we are proud to call home.


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