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  • Physiotherapy III Ltd

    Physiotherapy III Ltd


    Physiotherapy, Chiropractic, AudiologyHolistic Healing Therapies

    About Us

    'Pain Relief Starts Here!'
    Experienced registered physiotherapists, Registered massage Therapist, Kinesiologist, Canadian certified pedorthist offering full service rehabilitation in a personal, caring environment. Hands on manual therapy, Muscle release, Acupuncuture, Radial shock wave treatments, concussion, Vestibular (vertigo) treatment, Low power laser, Kinesio-taping, Supervised individualized exercise programs for sports, Workplace, MVA, Surgical, Day to day injuries. Direct billing and accredited by major Insurers. OHIP funding available for some eligible patients: Over 65, Under 19, overnight in hospital for condition needing treatment. Appointments required - we always have time for an urgent case. Building fully accessible.